League and Cup Fixtures

By Tim Mansfield

Season starts April 16th. You can download a copy in the Downloads section of the website

Westmorland League Fixtures 2022

Saturday 16 April

Division 1
Bare v Milnthorpe
Shireshead v Burneside
Trimpell v Sedgwick
Westgate v Arnside

Sunday 17 April

Division 4

Coniston 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Shireshead 3rds
Sedgwick 3rds v Morecambe 4ths
Ulverston 3rds v Bare 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Burneside 2nds

Saturday 23 April

Division 1

Arnside v Sedbergh School 2nds
Bare v Sedgwick
Heysham v Burneside
Kirkby Lonsdale v Shireshead
Trimpell v Kendal 2nds
Warton v Milnthorpe

Division 2

Ambleside v Cartmel
Coniston v Windermere
Holme v Silverdale
Sedgwick 2nds v Ingleton
Shireshead 2nds v Carnforth 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Netherfield 3rds

Division 3

Bolton le Sands v Morecambe 3rds
Galgate v Heysham 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Trimpell 2nds

Division 4

Sedbergh School 3rds v Westgate 3rds

Sunday 24 April

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Holme 2nds
Carnforth 3rds v Leven Valley
Kendal 3rds v Milnthorpe 2nds

Division 4

Burneside 2nds v Ingleton 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Shireshead 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Bare 2nds
Sedbergh School 3rds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Ulverston 3rds v Sedgwick 3rds
Westgate 3rds v Coniston 2nds

Saturday 30 April

Division 1

Arnside v Trimpell
Burneside v Kirkby Lonsdale
Kendal 2nds v Warton
Sedbergh School 2nds v Bare
Sedgwick v Heysham
Shireshead v Westgate

Division 2

Ambleside v Ingleton
Carnforth 2nds v Windermere
Holme v Sedgwick 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Coniston
Silverdale v Cartmel
Westgate 2nds v Shireshead 2nds

Division 3

Galgate v Holme 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Silverdale 2nds
Trimpell 2nds v Arnside 2nds

Sunday 1 May

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Bolton le Sands
Milnthorpe 2nds v Leven Valley
Morecambe 3rds v Kendal 3rds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Morecambe 4ths
Coniston 2nds v Sedbergh School 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Ulverston 3rds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Burneside 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Netherfield 4ths
Westgate 3rds v Sedgwick 3rds

Saturday 7 May

Division 1

Heysham v Milnthorpe
Kendal 2nds v Bare
Kirkby Lonsdale v Sedgwick
Trimpell v Sedbergh School 2nds
Warton v Arnside
Westgate v Burneside

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Ambleside
Coniston v Westgate 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Ingleton
Sedgwick 2nds v Silverdale
Shireshead 2nds v Cartmel
Windermere v Holme

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Morecambe 3rds
Bolton le Sands v Heysham 2nds
Holme 2nds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Leven Valley v Trimpell 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Kendal 3rds

Sunday 8 May

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Galgate

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Sedgwick 3rds
Burneside 2nds v Coniston 2nds
Ingleton 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Morecambe 4ths v Sedbergh School 3rds
Ulverston 3rds v Shireshead 3rds
Westgate 3rds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds

Saturday 14 May

Division 1

Arnside v Bare
Burneside v Trimpell
Milnthorpe v Kirkby Lonsdale
Sedbergh School 2nds v Heysham
Sedgwick v Westgate
Shireshead v Warton

Division 2

Ambleside v Coniston
Cartmel v Coniston
Holme v Netherfield 3rds
Silverdale v Shireshead 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Sedgwick 2nds

Division 3

Bolton le Sands v Galgate
Heysham 2nds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Leven Valley v Silverdale 2nds
Trimpell 2nds v Carnforth 3rds

Sunday 15 May

Division 1

Sedbergh School 2nds v Kendal 2nds

Division 2

Ingleton v Windermere

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Arnside 2nds
Morecambe 3rds v Holme 2nds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Ingleton 2nds
Coniston 2nds v Morecambe 4ths
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Ulverston 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Westgate 3rds
Sedbergh School 3rds v Burneside 2nds
Sedgwick 3rds v Shireshead 3rds

Saturday 21 May

Division 1

Kendal 2nds v Westgate
Kirkby Lonsdale v Arnside
Milnthorpe v Trimpell
Sedgwick v Warton
Shireshead v Heysham

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Ingleton
Cartmel v Windermere
Coniston v Sedgwick 2nds
Holme v Shireshead 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Ambleside
Westgate 2nds v Silverdale

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Galgate v Morecambe 3rds
Heysham 2nds v Carnforth 3rds
Leven Valley v Holme 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Trimpell 2nds v Kendal 3rds

Sunday 22 May

Division 1

Sedbergh School 2nds v Burneside

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Ulverston 3rds
Burneside 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Sedbergh School 3rds
Morecambe 4ths v Sedgwick 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Coniston 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds

Saturday 28 May

Division 1

Bare v Shireshead
Heysham v Arnside
Kendal 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale
Sedbergh School 2nds v Sedgwick
Warton v Burneside
Westgate v Milnthorpe

Division 2

Holme v Carnforth 2nds
Ingleton v Coniston
Sedgwick 2nds v Cartmel
Shireshead 2nds v Ambleside
Silverdale v Netherfield 3rds
Windermere v Westgate 2nds

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Heysham 2nds
Galgate v Leven Valley
Milnthorpe 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Trimpell 2nds v Holme 2nds

Sunday 29 May

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Kendal 3rds
Morecambe 3rds v Silverdale 2nds
Division 4

Burneside 2nds v Shireshead 3rds
Coniston 2nds v Bare 2nds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Morecambe 4ths
Netherfield 4ths v Ulverston 3rds
Sedgwick 3rds v Ingleton 2nds

Saturday 4 June

Division 1

Arnside v Shireshead
Heysham v Bare
Milnthorpe v Kendal 2nds
Sedgwick v Burneside
Warton v Trimpell
Westgate v Kirkby Lonsdale

Division 2

Ambleside v Silverdale
Carnforth 2nds v Coniston
Cartmel v Westgate 2nds
Ingleton v Holme
Windermere v Sedgwick 2nds
Shireshead 2nds v Netherfield 3rds

Division 3

Bolton le Sands v Milnthorpe 2nds
Galgate v Arnside 2nds
Holme 2nds v Trimpell 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Leven Valley 2nds

Sunday 5 June

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Heysham 2nds
Morecambe 3eds v Carnforth 3rds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Burneside 2nds
Coniston 2nds v Ingleton 2nds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Sedgwick 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Sedbergh School 3rds
Shireshead 3rds v Westgate 3rds
Ulverston 3rds v Morecambe 4ths

Saturday 11 June

Division 1

Bare v Warton
Kendal 2nds v Arnside
Kirkby Lonsdale v Heysham
Sedgwick v Milnthorpe
Shireshead v Sedbergh School 2nds
Trimpell v Westgate

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Sedgwick 2nds
Cartmel v Netherfield 3rds
Coniston v Holme
Ingleton v Shireshead 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Ambleside
Windermere v Silverdale

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Leven Valley
Bolton le Sands v Trimpell 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Morecambe 3rds
Holme 2nds v Kendal 3rds
Silverdale 2nds v Galgate

Division 4

Sedbergh School 3rds v Shireshead 3rds

Sunday 12 June

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Milnthorpe 2nds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Burneside 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Morecambe 4ths v Ingleton 2nds
Sedbergh School 3rds v Sedgwick 3rds
Shireshead 3rds v Coniston 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Ulverston 3rds

Saturday 18 June

Division 1

Bare v Kirkby Lonsdale
Burneside v Kendal 2nds
Heysham v Trimpell
Sedbergh School 2nds v Milnthorpe
Sedgwick v Shireshead
Warton v Westgate

Division 2

Ambleside v Holme
Cartmel v Coniston
Netherfield 3rds v Windermere
Shireshead 2nds v Sedgwick 2nds
Silverdale v Ingleton
Westgate 2nds v Carnforth 2nds

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Carnforth 3rds
Holme 2nds v Heysham 2nds
Leven Valley v Bolton le Sands
Milnthorpe 2nds v Silverdale 2nds

Sunday 19 June

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Galgate
Morecambe 3rds v Trimpell 2nds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Sedbergh School 3rds
Coniston 2nds v Sedgwick 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Shireshead 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Ulverston 3rds v Burneside 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Morecambe 4ths

Saturday 25 June

Division 1

Arnside v Burneside
Kendal 2nds v Sedgwick
Kirkby Lonsdale v Sedbergh School 2nds
Milnthorpe v Shireshead
Trimpell v Bare
Westgate v Heysham

Division 2

Ambleside v Windermere
Carnforth 2nds v Silverdale
Holme v Westgate 2nds
Ingelton v Cartmel
Sedgwick 2nds v Netherfield 3rds
Shireshead 2nds v Coniston

Division 3

Bolton le Sands v Kendal 3rds
Galgate v Trimpell 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Leven valley
Silverdale 2nds v Arnside 2nds

Sunday 26 June

Division 1

Warton v Sedbergh School 2nds

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Holme 2nds
Milnthorpe 2nds v Morecambe 3rds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Shireshead 3rds
Burneside 2nds v Sedgwick 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Coniston 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Netherfield 4ths
Sedbergh School 3rds v Ulverston 3rds

Saturday 2 July

Division 1

Bare v Arnside
Heysham v Kendal 2nds
Kirkby Lonsdale v Milnthorpe
Trimpell v Burneside
Warton v Shireshead
Westgate v Sedbergh School 3rds

Division 2

Cartmel v Silverdale
Coniston v Ambleside
Netherfield 3rds v Carnforth 2nds
Sedgwick 2nds v Holme
Shireshead 2nds v Westgate 2nds
Windermere v Ingleton

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Kendal 3rds
Galgate v Bolton le Sands
Milnthorpe 2nds v Heysham 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Holme 2nds

Sunday 3 July

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Trimpell 2nds
Morecambe 3rds v Leven Valley

Division 4

Burneside 2nds v Morecambe 4ths
Ingleton 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Sedgwick 3rds v Netherfield 4ths
Ulverston 3rds v Coniston 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Bare 2nds

Saturday 9 July

Division 1

Arnside v Westgate
Burneside v Heysham
Kendal 2nds v Trimpell
Milnthorpe v Warton
Sedgwick v Bare
Shireshead v Kirkby Lonsdale

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Shireshead 2nds
Cartmel v Ambleside
Ingleton v Sedgwick 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Westgate 2nds
Silverdale v Holme
Windermere v Coniston

Division 3

Leven Valley v Carnforth 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Galgate
Holme 2nds v Arnside 2nds
Trimpell 2nds v Silverdale 2nds

Sunday 10 July

Division 3
Milnthorpe 2nds v Kendal 3rds
Morecambe 3rds v Bolton le Sands

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Coniston 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Burneside 2nds
Sedgwick 3rds v Ulverston 3rds
Shireshead 3rds v Morecambe 4ths

Saturday 16 July

Division 1

Heysham v Sedgwick
Kirkby Lonsdale v Burneside
Milnthorpe v Bare
Trimpell v Arnside
Warton v Kendal 2nds
Westgate v Shireshead

Division 2
Coniston v Netherfield 3rds
Holme v Cartmel
Sedgwick 2nds v Westgate 2nds
Shireshead 2nds v Silverdale
Windermere v Carnforth 2nds

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Trimpell 2nds
Bolton le Sands v Carnforth 3rds
Leven Valley v Milnthorpe 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Heysham 2nds

Sunday 17 July

Division 2

Ingleton v Ambleside

Division 3

Holme 2nds v Galgate
Kendal 3rds v Morecambe 3rds

Division 4

Burneside 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Bare 2nds
Netherfield 4ths v Shireshead 3rds
Sedgwick 3rds v Westgate 3rds
Ulverston 3rds v Ingleton 2nds

Saturday 23 July

Division 1

Arnside v Warton
Bare v Kendal 2nds
Burneside v Westgate
Milnthorpe v Heysham
Sedgwick v Kirkby Lonsdale
Shireshead v Trimpell

Division 2

Ambleside v Carnforth 2nds
Cartmel v Shireshead 2nds
Holme v Windermere
Ingleton v Netherfield 3rds
Silverdale v Sedgwick 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Coniston

Division 3

Galgate v Carnforth 3rds
Heysham 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Trimpell 2nds v Leven Valley

Sunday 24 July

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Silverdale 2nds
Morecambe 3rds v Arnside 2nds
Milnthorpe 2nds v Holme 2nds

Division 4

Coniston 2nds v Burneside 2nds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Netherfield 4ths v Ingleton 2nds
Sedgwick 3rds v Bare 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Ulverston 3rds

Saturday 30 July

Division 1

Arnside v Sedgwick
Heysham v Warton
Kirkby Lonsdale v Trimpell
Milnthorpe v Burneside
Shireshead v Kendal 2nds
Westgate v Bare

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Cartmel
Coniston v Silverdale
Ingleton v Westgate 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Holme
Sedgwick 2nds v Ambleside
Windermere v Shireshead 2nds

Division 3

Bolton le Sands v Arnside 2nds
Holme 2nds v Morecambe 3rds
Silverdale 2nds v Carnforth 3rds
Trimpell 2nds v Heysham 2nds

Sunday 31st July

Kendal 3rds v Leven Valley
Milnthorpe 2nds v Galgate

Saturday 6 August

Division 1

Arnside v Kirkby Lonsdale
Bare v Burneside
Heysham v Shireshead
Trimpell v Milnthorpe
Warton v Sedgwick
Westgate v Kendal 2ndets

Division 2

Ambleside v Netherfield 3rds
Ingleton v Carnforth 2nds
Sedgwick 2nds v Coniston
Shireshead 2nds v Holme
Silverdale v Westgate 2nds
Windermere v Cartmel

Division 3

Holme 2nds v Leven Valley
Milnthorpe 2nds v Arnside 2nds
Bolton le Sands v Silverdale 2nds

Sunday 7 August

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Heysham 2nds
Kendal 3rds v Trimpell 2nds
Morecambe 3rds v Galgate

Saturday 13 August
Division 1
Arnside v Heysham
Burneside v Warton
Kirkby Lonsdale v Kendal 2nds
Milnthorpe v Westgate
Sedgwick v Trimpell
Shireshead v Bare

Division 2

Ambleside v Shireshead 2nds
Carnforth 2nds v Holme
Cartmel v Sedgwick 2nds
Coniston v Ingleton
Netherfield 3rds v Silverdale
Westgate 2nds v Windermere

Division 3

Heysham 2nds v Arnside
Holme 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Leven Valley v Galgate
Silverdale 2nds v Morecambe 3rds
Trimpell 2nds v Milnthorpe 2nds

Sunday 14 August

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Carnforth 3rds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Coniston 2nds
Ingleton 2nds v Sedgwick 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Burneside 2nds
Ulverston 3rds v Netherfield 4ths

Saturday 20 August

Division 1

Bare v Heysham
Kendal 2nds v Milnthorpe
Kirkby Lonsdale v Westgate
Burneside v Sedgwick
Shireshead v Arnside
Trimpell v Warton

Division 2

Coniston v Carnforth 2nds
Holme v Ingleton
Silverdale v Ambleside
Westgate 2nds v Cartmel
Sedgwick 2nds v Windermere

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Galgate
Bolton le Sands v Holme 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Kendal 3rds
Leven Valley v Morecambe 3rds
Milnthorpe 2nds v Trimpell 2nds

Sunday 21 August

Division 2

Netherfield 3rds v Shireshead 2nds

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Silverdale 2nds

Division 4

Burneside 2nds v Bare 2nds
Ingleton 2nds v Coniston 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Ulverston 3rds
Sedgwick 3rds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Shireshead 3rds

Saturday 27 August (from this date all League games commence at 1.30pm unless otherwise agreed by teams)

Division 1

Arnside v Kendal 2nds
Burneside v Shireshead
Heysham v Kirkby Lonsdale
Milnthorpe v Sedgwick
Warton v Bare
Westgate v Trimpell
Division 2

Ambleside v Westgate 2nds
Holme v Coniston
Netherfield 3rds v Cartmel
Shireshead 2nds v Ingleton
Silverdale v Windermere
Sedgwick 2nds v Carnforth 2nds

Division 3

Galgate v Silverdale 2nds
Leven Valley v Arnside 2nds
Trimpell 2nds v Bolton le Sands

Sunday 28 August

Division 3

Kendal 3rds v Holme 2nds
Morecambe 3rds v Heysham 2nds
Milnthorpe 2nds v Carnforth 3rds

Division 4

Coniston 2nds v Shireshead 3rds
Ingleton 2nds v Morecambe 4ths
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Bare 2nds
Netherfield 4ths v Burneside 2nds
Ulverston 3rds v Westgate 3rds

Monday 29 August

Division 1

Burneside v Bare
Kendal 2nds v Heysham
Milnthorpe v Arnside
Trimpell v Shireshead
Warton v Kirkby Lonsdale
Westgate v Sedgwick

Saturday 3 September

Division 1

Arnside v Milnthorpe
Kendal 2nds v Burneside
Kirkby Lonsdale v Bare
Shireshead v Sedgwick
Trimpell v Heysham
Westgate v Warton

Division 2

Carnforth 2nds v Westgate
Coniston v Cartmel
Holme v Ambleside
Ingleton v Silverdale
Sedgwick 2nds v Shireshead 2nds
Windermere v Netherfield 3rds

Division 3

Heysham 2nds v Holme 2nds
Silverdale 2nds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Bolton le Sands v Leven Valley
Galgate v Kendal 3rds

Sunday 4 September

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Arnside 2nds
Trimpell 2nds v Morecambe 3rds

Division 4

Burnside 2nds v Ulverston 3rds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Morecambe 4ths v Westgate 3rds
Sedgwick 3rds v Consiston 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Ingleton 2nds

Saturday 10 September

Division 1

Bare v Trimpell
Burneside v Arnside
Heysham v Westgate
Kirkby Lonsdale v Warton
Sedgwick v Kendal 2nds
Shireshead v Milnthorpe

Division 2

Cartmel v Ingleton
Coniston v Shireshead 2nds
Netherfield 3rds v Sedgwick 2nds
Silverdale v Carnforth 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Holme
Windermere v Ambleside

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Silverdale 2nds
Holme 2nds v Carnforth 3rds
Trimpell 2nds v Galgate
Leven Valley v Heysham 2nds

Sunday 11 September

Division 3

Morecambe 3rds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Kendal 3rds v Bolton le Sands

Division 4

Coniston 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Netherfield 4ths v Morecambe 4ths
Sedgwick 3rds v Burneside 2nds
Shireshead 3rds v Bare 2nds
Westgate 3rds v Ingleton 2nds

Saturday 17 September

Division 1

Bare v Westgate
Burneside v Milnthorpe
Kendal 2nds v Shireshead
Sedgwick v Arnside
Trimpell v Kirkby Lonsdale
Warton v Heysham

Division 2

Ambleside v Sedgwick 2nds
Carnforth 2nds v Netherfield 3rds
Cartmel v Holme
Shireshead 2nds v Windermere
Silverdale v Coniston
Westgate 2nds v Ingleton

Division 3

Arnside 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Galgate v Milnthorpe 2nds
Heysham 2nds v Trimpell 2nds
Holme 2nds v Silverdale 2nds
Leven Valley v Kendal 3rds

Sunday 18 September

Division 3

Carnforth 3rds v Morecambe 3rds

Division 4

Bare 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Coniston 2nds v Ulverston 3rds
Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Ingleton 2nds
Morecambe 4ths v Burneside 2nds
Netherfield 4ths v Sedgwick 3rds

Cup Matches
Group games to have been arranged by 30 March

Hackney & Leigh Trophy (Division 1)

1-6 May
Heysham v Bare
Kendal 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale
Sedgwick v Burneside
Trimpell v Warton

15-20 May
Burneside v Warton
Kirkby Lonsdale v Milnthorpe
Shireshead v Heysham
Warton v Westgate

29 May-3 June
Arnside v Sedgwick
Bare v Shireshead
Milnthorpe v Kendal 2nds
Westgate v Trimpell
Quarter-finals to be played by 1 July
Semi-finals and final to be played on Sunday 17 July
Reserve date – Sunday 14 August

British Rose Cricket Trophy (Division 2)

8-13 May
Holme v Silverdale
Sedgwick 2nds v Ambleside
Shireshead 2nds v Ingleton
Netherfield 3rds v Coniston

22-27 May
Ambleside v Windermere
Coniston v Cartmel
Silverdale v Carnforth 2nds
Westgate 2nds v Shireshead 2nds

5-10 June
Carnforth 2nds v Holme
Cartmel v Netherfield 3rds
Ingleton v Westgate 2nds
Windermere v Sedgwick 2nds

Quarter-finals to be played by 8 July
Semi-finals and final to be played on Sunday 24 July
Reserve date – Sunday 14 August

Kendal Trophies Cup (Division 3)

22-27 May
Galgate v Morecambe 3rds
Heysham 2nds v Bolton le Sands
Kendal 3rds v Milnthorpe 2nds
Leven Valley v Holme 2nds

5-10 June
Bolton le Sands v Trimpell 2nds
Carnforth 3rds v Galgate
Holme 2nds v Arnside 2nds
Milnthorpe 2nds v Silverdale 2nds

19-24 June
Arnside 2nds v Leven Valley
Morecambe 3rds v Carnforth 3rds
Silverdale 2nds v Kendal 3rds
Trimpell 2nds v Heysham 2nds

Quarter-finals to be played by 15 July
Semi-finals and final to be played on Sunday 31 July
Reserve date – Sunday 21 August

Moon and Coxhill Trophy (Division 4)

Round 1 Play by 26 June

Burneside 2nds v Bare 2nds
Ingleton 2nds v Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds
Coniston 2nds v Shireshead 3rds

Round 2 Play by 24 July

Burneside 2nds/Bare 2nds v Westgate 3rds
Ingleton 2nds/Kirkby Lonsdale 2nds v Netherfield 4ths
Coniston 2nds/Shireshead 3rds v Morecambe 4ths
Ulverston 3rds v Sedgwick 3rds

Semi-finals and final to be played on Sunday 7 August
Reserve date – Sunday 21 August

Where next?

Match week 1: Roundup Tim Mansfield writes his first roundup of the Westmorland League season.
Cup Draws 2022 Cup Draws t

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